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Step 7: Generating an IDE Ready Embedded C Source Code Project

You are ready to generate a C project when:

Setup a name, location and other settings before generating the C code project.

Workflow steps:
  1. Select "Settings" from the STM32CubeMX "Project" menu. A mult-tab Project Settings dialogue will be displayed.

  2. View the Project tab to provide the project with a name and location, as well as select the IDE for which the embedded C project should be created.

  3. View the Code Generator tab and set the automatic code generation options as required. Options include whether assert() should be used, and whether the project should include the source files for all the STM32 peripheral drivers - or just for the peripheral drivers that have been specifically selected.
Click images to enlarge

The Project tab

The Code Generator tab

With the automatic code generation options set the IDE ready project can be created.

Workflow steps:
  1. Click "Generate Code" from the STM32CubeMX "Project" menu. If the STM32Cube drivers necessary to create the project have not already been downloaded then you will be guided through the download and installation process.

  2. When the IDE ready C project has been created you will be prompted to open the directory into which the source files were placed. View and generated files and experiment with the created project.

Automatically generate C code project for STM32
The IDE project files (IAR in this case) within the generated directory structure

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